Search - 14884

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Products meeting the search criteria

ACE Hydraulic Motor Driven Centrifugal Pump GE-75 w/Hyd FMC-75-HYD-206

ACE Hydraulic Motor Driven Centrifugal Pump GE-75 w/Hyd FMC-75-HYD-206 (14884)

Centrifugal Pump with Hydraulic Motor
Maximum Pressure : 100 PSI (6.89 bar)
Maximum Flow : 25 GPM (94.6 LPM)
Inlet/Outlet : Suction 1” FNPT - Discharge 3/4” FNPT

USD $1,130.22
ACE Hydraulic Motor Driven Centrifugal Pump GE-75 w/Hyd LF  FMC-75-HYD-204

ACE Hydraulic Motor Driven Centrifugal Pump GE-75 w/Hyd LF FMC-75-HYD-204 (14884LF)

Centrifugal Pump with Hydraulic Motor

Maximum Pressure : 100 PSI (6.89 bar)

Maximum Flow : 25 GPM (94.6 LPM)

Inlet/Outlet : Suction 1” FNPT - Discharge 3/4” FNPT

USD $1,130.22
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 (1 Pages)